Born in 1972 in Paris.
Graduated from Paris School of Fine Arts.
Currently living and working in San Francisco, USA.
Over the years my work has gradually focused on the theme of the human figure and more particuliarly the nude.
The representation of the body is for me an inexhaustible field of study. Flesh colours, figure compositions are fascinating graphic tools to convey intentions and emotions.
I like the idea of tension and movement within the body, using compositions where the body seems either to stretch, fall or huddle up. I also like to emphasize the tension by drawing contorted torsos, strong and nervous hands, bodies gripping onto themselves.
In drawings I let my pencil ramble free on the paper looking for the right form to grasp before sharpening some lines and adding the colour work to emphase areas I want to highlight. In paintings I focus on the study of the flesh using all the possibilities given by oil painting, its richness of colours and texture often using the wet on wet technique.
I try to balance the tension created with quieter areas in the painting where the eyes can rest. I like those two opposite elements to be present in each painting, like a metaphore for the restlessness and calm cohabiting in each of us.
I do not mean my work to convey any particuliar intellectual or controvertial statements other that the expression of the primal joy and need to paint.
After many years teaching life drawing in art schools I now dedicate all my time to painting in the studio.
Exhibitions (sélection)
Palo Alto Art Festival, Palo Alto.
Open Studios , San Francisco
Salon National des Beaux-Arts, PARIS.
Selection concours du portait Paul-Louis Weiller, Académie des Beaux-Arts, PARIS.
Itinéraires-art contemporain, Mairie du 9°arrondissement de PARIS.
Galerie Frégnac, PARIS.
Traits de justice, Parlement de Bretagne, RENNES.
Talents d’Aujourd’hui, Mairie de Pantin.
Art.Metz, METZ.
Miac-Puls’Art, LE MANS.
Galerie Le Songe d’Icare, MARSEILLE.
Galerie 18, VANNES.